A few words about
Mathitokosmos is an educational organization that was founded in 2010 with the initial purpose of daily preparation of primary and secondary school lessons, while in the course of time the need to include tutorials in our program was created.
Our educational programmes for primary school students combine daily study with other creative activities. Our goal is for each child to develop the ability to organize their reading effectively and at the same time, through other creative activities, to develop an interest in learning.
Similarly, the educational programmes for high school students consist of study groups or tutorials, depending on the needs of each student, while since 2015, tutorials for general high school and EPAL students have been included in our programme.
Alongside group lessons, we also undertake private lessons, as well as preparing students for admission to standard or art schools.
Finally, in the summer, preparatory classes for older students are held, while for younger students there are revision and creative activities classes.

Our Team
Irene Kapatou: Director of Studies, Teacher, Graduate of the Department of Methodology, History and Theory of Science, University of Athens, Graduate of the Interdepartmental MSc History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Athens, MSc Studies in Education, University of Athens, MSc Language, Literature and Theatre in Education, University of Athens, specialized in special education.
Stavroula Deligianni: Graduated from the Department of Literature of the University of Athens, Graduated in Environmental Education of the University of the Aegean, Graduated in Special Education of the University of Nicosia. She has attended many training seminars in the field of education and has many years of experience as a teacher.
Amalia Tsilimantou: Speech and Language Therapist, Special Educator
Maria-Mersini Rizou: Graduate of the Piraeus Technological Educational Institute (Piraeus) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has attended the annual pedagogical training program of ASPAITE and has specialized in Special Education (EKPA). Her training combined with her willingness, interest and desire to impart her knowledge to students make her able to maintain excellent communication with children.
Emmanuela Markou: Chemist, graduate of the University of Athens
Sophia Kaidantzi: Mathematician, graduate of the University of Athens
Sophia Andreadou: Teacher, special educator, graduate of the University of Athens